Couriers Missions Trips

The purpose of our campaigns is to bring the Gospel and build relationships in specific areas that contain new or existing church plants. Your trip will focus primarily on evangelism through the distribution of Scripture and other literature. Our ultimate goal is to help church plants win souls for Christ. Investing a small portion of your time for a missions trip is greatly fulfilling, and incredibly impactful in the battle to win souls to Jesus Christ.

Upcoming Campaigns

Porto Alegre, Brazil

October 2025

Porto Alegre has been a cultural hub for many decades. It has a diverse population with immigrants from across the world calling it home. The region was devastated by a flood in May 2024 and many people’s lives have been drastically affected. They are looking for answers and hope for the future. We are excited to share with them the eternal hope of the Gospel.

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Stuttgart, Germany

June 2026

Stuttgart was founded in the 10th century by Duke Liudolf as a place to breed war horses. The original name was Stuotgarten meaning “a garden for horses”. Transportation has been part of the cities fabric from the horse to the automobile. It is home to Daimler AG, the parent group of Mercedes (the Benz is the first motorwagen) and Porsche (a legendary name in sports car history). The prominent source of income in this affluent city is industry. However, prosperity and ease can often make people “self-reliant” and apathetic towards the Gospel message. It is our desire to share with them the message that Jesus died to save their eternal soul from damnation and that no amount of material possessions can help them in eternity!

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Stuttgart, Germany Teams 1

  Campaign Leader: Josh Stertz

 Trip Cost: $3900

   Open Seats 30


June 8th

(12 days)

June 20th


What to Expect

During a Couriers for Christ campaign, you will join us, along with a group of likeminded believers, in an evangelistic effort in a foreign country. Over the course of about two weeks, we spread out through the city and hand out copies of the books of John & Romans in the language of that country. We also invite them to an evangelistic service, held toward the end of the trip, where the gospel is clearly preached. Bibles are given to all in attendance, and some of those individuals may be interested in a follow up Bible study. It is our goal that this trip will be a blessing to the missionary as we help them reach their field, but our sincere desire is to see souls saved, lives changed, and believers organized into a local church. Only eternity will tell the results of what God can do through you as you serve him during this scripture distribution campaign.   

* Trip cost includes: Airfare, travelers insurance, lodging, meals, and transportation in country.

Porto Algre, Brazil Teams 1

  Campaign Leader: Josh Stertz

 Trip Cost: $2950

   Open Seats 30


October 27th

(12 days)

What to Expect

During a Couriers for Christ campaign, you will join us, along with a group of likeminded believers, in an evangelistic effort in a foreign country. Over the course of about two weeks, we spread out through the city and hand out copies of the books of John & Romans in the language of that country. We also invite them to an evangelistic service, held toward the end of the trip, where the gospel is clearly preached. Bibles are given to all in attendance, and some of those individuals may be interested in a follow up Bible study. It is our goal that this trip will be a blessing to the missionary as we help them reach their field, but our sincere desire is to see souls saved, lives changed, and believers organized into a local church. Only eternity will tell the results of what God can do through you as you serve him during this scripture distribution campaign.   

* Trip cost includes: Airfare, travelers insurance, lodging, meals, and transportation in country.